`Tilbury Point’ to be transcribed for brass band by the composer
Nigel is currently transcribing his (2003) portrait overture `Tilbury Point’ for brass band and will be published by Studio Music Company later this year. The original idea came about after visiting many of East London’s ancient riverside pubs along the River Thames with the dedicatee Matthew George. For many centuries these pubs have been home to smugglers, pirates, artists and London’s infamous Execution Dock. Tilbury Point is further down river and is where the pirate Captain Kidd’s body was displayed. His sentence was carried out in 1701 at `Execution Dock’. He was hung, dipped in hot tar to preserve his body and left for three tides to cover his body before being put in a metal cage and taken to Tilbury Point and displayed as a warning to other pirates sailing towards London. This appalling ritual was commonplace during these times!