For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground/And tell sad stories of the death of Kings...Playing Biber for the Fontrevault Kings. Cast Courts, Victoria and albert Museum, 14th September 2012

Peter Sheppard Skaerved performed to great effect Nigel’s small solo violin work `Loulan’ in the Cast Court at the Victoria & Albert Museum on Friday 14th September. Peter was joined by the young virtuoso French Horn player Carly Lake who performed Michael Alec Rose’s `Aria’ (2010), David Gorton’s fiendish `Hlowung for Sutton Hoo’ (2012) and Olivier Messiaen’s `Appel Interstellaire’ (1971). Peter also performed unaccompanied works by Pietro Locatelli, Heinrich Biber, Michael Alec Rose, J S Bach, Andre Jolivet, David Gorton who was in the audience  and introduced his fascinating music. Why can’t more concert be like this!!!! Peter will next perform `Loulan’ at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester on Wednesday 10th October at 1pm.





To read more about this imaginative evening go to Peter’s website: Music For The Sculpture Courts